

Reach is an industry-leading tool for digital and relational organizing which has been used on over a thousand progressive campaigns at every level from President to School Board. We first built Reach for the 2018 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez campaign as a tool for ourselves after we realized traditional door-to-door canvassing methods were limiting who we were talking to and when we were able to effectively collect data in the field. We used Reach to win and you can too!

Reach specializes in four organizing buckets:

The first is Digital Campaign HQ, your digital organizing hub where volunteers can take actions the campaigns would like them to do, learn language the campaign would like them to use, view a campaign’s Mobilize events, and engage, collaborate, and compete with other volunteers.

The second is Community Canvassing - Reach is like a search engine for your campaign’s voter file so you and your volunteers can search for any voter you meet anywhere and canvass them on the spot. Reach eliminated the divide between visibility work and field work and turns every human interaction into a canvassing opportunity.

The third is Relational Organizing which is what Reach is best known for. We help your volunteers more effectively manage and communicate to their personal network in support of your program.

The fourth is Voter Registration. Reach’s “Choose your own Adventure” style voter registration allows you to run a scalable, distributed voter registration program that blends seamlessly with community canvassing and relational organizing. With Reach, each of your canvassers can track the progress of all their voter registrations and leave no potential voter behind.


Our mission is to power a world where progressive grassroots activism wins.

Current or former CLIENTS

DNC, AOC, Two Million Texans, DSA for NYA, Wisconsin Democratic Party, State Voices, Alliance for Youth Organizing, URGE, MoveOn, Swing Left, NextGen, Working Families Party, Progressive Turnout PAC, UniteHere, Elizabeth Warren for President, Jon Ossoff for Senate, Warnock for Georgia, John Fetterman for Senate, over 30 State and Local Democratic Parties, and hundreds of down-ballot campaign.

Who is this tool built for?

District Size: 100,000 Voters +
District Size: 25,000-100,000 Voters
District Size: 5,000 Voters or Less
District Size: 5,000-25,000 Voters
District Type: Federal
District Type: Local
District Type: State Legislature
District Type: Statewide
Staffing: Large (15+)
Staffing: Medium (5-15)
Staffing: Small (<5)


Two Factor Authentication (Text), Two Factor Authentication (Authenticator App)


Integrates with van


Integrates with ACTBLUE


Integrates with PHOENIX


Integrates with NGP


PRICing details



Starting price





Per Account
By District Size


Please note that $50 is our lowest price per month and does not apply for larger campaigns or statewide organizations.


Digital Organizing
Relational Organizing
Volunteer Management
Voter CRM
Mobile Canvassing
Voter Education (Guides/Polling Lookup)




No features listed.


Onboarding Support

Data Availablity

API, S3 Bucket, SQL Mirror, CSV Export

Voter data import

CSV, Integration

🚀 This tool is available in demlaunch!

Purchase this via your State Party here.
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We vet each and every vendor before they're published on the Tech Index. But we also understand that features, offerings, and pricing can change from time to time. We try to stay on top of that and check in with vendors regularly to keep information as accurate as possible, but if you see something, please say something.
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