Plural Policy


Plural is an advanced public policy intelligence and collaboration software platform. Our platform helps organizations gain a strategic edge with AI-driven federal regulatory, state and federal public policy insights (including automated bill tracking) and provides the best collaboration experience — easily collaborate with teammates, consultants, industry partners, and stakeholders through our unlimited users.


People-first | Transparent | Audacious First and foremost, our company is dedicated to our users. We take a user-centric approach to building our products, and we are proud of our connection to our customers who use our product to do the important work they do everyday. We value trust and transparency. We want to cut the dishonesty and mistrust out of public policy, and we believe that democracy can only function when information is accessible and honest. Speaking of honesty, let’s keep it real. What we’re building at Plural is pretty darn bold. Our vision is audacious and we’re passionate about taking on this challenge. We’re passionate about innovation, good design, and making a difference. We value brilliance and curiosity. Because what is all this cool tech stuff about if we can’t make the world a better place?

Current or former CLIENTS

Common Cause, Fair Fight, Associated Press, Progress Georgia, The Nature Conservancy, Google, America Votes, Sierra Club, Center for Secure and Modern Elections, Fresh Energy

Who is this tool built for?

District Size: 100,000 Voters +
District Size: 25,000-100,000 Voters
District Size: 5,000 Voters or Less
District Size: 5,000-25,000 Voters
District Type: Federal
District Type: Local
District Type: State Legislature
District Type: Statewide
Staffing: Large (15+)
Staffing: Medium (5-15)
Staffing: Small (<5)


Single Sign On (SSO)


Integrates with van


Integrates with ACTBLUE


Integrates with PHOENIX


Integrates with NGP


PRICing details



Starting price




Per Account



Data Sourcing
Federal Legislation Tracking
State Legislation Tracking
Federal Regulatory Data


No integrations listed.


Higher Ground Labs


Onboarding Support, Self Serve, Full Service, Account Management

Data Availablity

API, CSV Export

Voter data import

Integration, CSV

🚀 This tool is available in demlaunch!

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We vet each and every vendor before they're published on the Tech Index. But we also understand that features, offerings, and pricing can change from time to time. We try to stay on top of that and check in with vendors regularly to keep information as accurate as possible, but if you see something, please say something.
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